Things Fall Apart

a history of ideas - mainly my ideas

Sunday, November 17, 2013

CHOGM 2013: A Lie Well Told

This is the slightly longer and unedited version of the same post which also appears on Groundviews.

I imagine that beneath the cordial smiles and exchange of pleasantries there is much weeping and gnashing of teeth taking place at Temple Trees these days. The façade that was CHOGM 2013 seems to have crumbled, at least in the eyes of the world,  although certainly not in most parts of Sri Lanka's mainstream media. Images of women and relatives of the disappeared throwing themselves on David Cameron's convoy in Jaffna dominate world headlines replacing the very commonplace photographs of Commonwealth leaders at CHOGM.

I don't think a single previous Commonwealth meeting can have been matched by the drama and the spectacle that hosting the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka brought. Oh well Sri Lanka always loves to put on a good show and when it comes to drama we are rarely in short supply. The Rajapakse regime even in their wildest dreams would not have imagined that a PR debacle of this magnitude would unfold. For - notwithstanding their usual vivid imagination, and belief in conjured fiction over fact - after years of silencing the Sri Lankan media it was probably difficult to comprehend the 'destruction' that an independent and critical media could and would bring. Hence the reason the onslaught ensued and once it started it was unstoppable. Heavy handed tactics and general boorishness (hallmarks of the current regime) only added fuel to the fire instead of frightening foreign journalists and diplomats who have nothing to fear from the proverbial White Van.

Fortunately for the Government, they still control a large chunk of the local media (both state and non-state) as evidenced very clearly in the print and electronic news coverage over the past few days. So while the world erupts over Sri Lanka's behavior during CHOGM week the local media ignored the critical issues and continue to talk about diabetes and sugar mills and having tea with Channel 4 because after all that is the real story. The Government also chose to fall back on their time-tested strategy of labeling and name calling anyone who opposes them as 'terrorists', 'LTTE or LTTE sympathizers' and 'Tamil Diaspora funded'. So although defeating the LTTE in 2009 has been touted as the single greatest victory in the history of Sri Lanka they are not unwilling to resurrect them from the dead in order to ensure that they have a scapegoat to blame for their misfortunes.

So what can one observe from the events that unfolded during CHOGM week in Sri Lanka in 2013. 

1. The GOSL cannot handle a Critical Media

From being door stopped by Channel 4 outside a hotel to cancelling a news conference scheduled for the first day of CHOGM, it is clear that the President was feeling the heat of having a media that asks brutal questions without shying away for fear of repercussions. Also unlike in Parliament there were no stalwarts to provide the necessary noise with which to drown out these impertinent questions. His somewhat angry responses at the news briefing on Thursday highlighted his frustration although really it was funny that he spoke about Sri Lanka's legal system being the solution to the country's ills. One wonders what the impeached Chief Justice would have had to say to that.

The media circus started off like a badly written detective novel as Channel 4  was openly  tailed by intelligence from the airport to the hotel and thereafter to every location they travelled. The idea was to intimidate them but the news station probably enjoyed it all the more as they filmed their "secret' escorts and interviewed plain clothes policeman on the street.  The president robustly declared that "We have nothing to hide" but 'somebody' went to the extent of stopping a train in order to prevent them from going to Kilinochchi. What they probably didn't expect was for Callum Macrae to conduct a Q&A with the so called protesters at Anuradhapura only to find out that none of them seemed to have (and I repeat none of them - watch the news report if you want to see it for yourself) even watched the No Fire Zone Videos[i]. In effect what the government has done is given Channel 4 enough of footage for probably two more documentaries on Sri Lanka, all on their own steam.

A BBC cameraman was physically restrained from filming the President's arrival at the Opening Ceremony and only three British journalists were among the 200 journalists scheduled to meet the President at his Friday press conference which was mysteriously cancelled and then hijacked by the government MP A.H.M Azwer. The national list MP masqueraded as a journalist in order to attack the foreign media who were present at the conference until he was called to order by Richard Uku, a Commonwealth Spokesman. (Note to Mr. Azwer - the Sri Lankan Parliament was not in session so please behave properly.)

However all was not lost as the Government had another trick up their sleeve and like a conjurer they pulled out Chris Nonis, the Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK, to tackle the not so well informed CNN journalist. He spoke eloquently and immediately won a massive following among the Colombites on social media, as he told our former colonial masters to please mind their own business because we have after all implemented the LLRC. Fortunately for Mr. Nonis the CNN anchor did not question him on how exactly the Government had implemented the LLRC.

There was great rejoicing because finally someone had stood up to these tools of Western imperialism. The reaction was typical and to be expected as even those in Sri Lanka with access to alternate media and journalism feel affronted when our human rights record is questioned. The national nerve point is pride and even if people continue to languish in refugee camps (while the Government spends Rs.24 million on a firework display) we want the show to go on, thus the reason CHOGM was aptly nicknamed SHOW-GM! We seem to not be able to differentiate between propaganda and the fact that we live in a growing authoritarian state that cares little for its own people. Case in point only a few months ago in the little known town of Weliweriya, people were shot dead for protesting about the lack of clean water.

2. The Presence of Foreign Media in Sri Lanka has highlighted the abysmal failure of Local Media to report issues with dignity and clarity.

In Sri Lanka local media live under a constant threat and it would not be fair to judge them on what they are forced to or prevented from reporting due to the culture of impunity prevalent in the nation today. However on Thursday the 14th of November viewers of MTV's NEWS 1st were in for a treat as they watched what once used to be considered one of the usually more newsworthy channels in Sri Lanka degrade themselves shamelessly over their report on the attack on Sirikotha by the extremist Buddhist group the Bodu Bala Sena[ii].

The monks and the mob were led by the BBS General Secretary, Ven. Gnanasara Thera and they were there to protest the human rights festival being held at the UNP headquarters. While it is clear that both sides engaged in fisticuffs and foul language MTV's take on the whole issue was fascinating. They chose to pin point pro-UNP members in the crowd involved in the assault and completely ignore the part played by the BBS and their goons. The BBS reputation for violent and unruly behavior precedes them making it virtually unimaginable that they behaved with decorum and fortitude while protesting outside Sirikotha. In fact video footage proves that it was quite the contrary and one can only mourn the demise of free and fair media in Sri Lanka. MTV's take on the BBS attack on Sirikotha was tantamount to justifying their actions, illustrating the depths to which Sri Lankan media will sink in order to score points. Perhaps the southern TV stations should not be so quick to give in and instead take a leaf out of their northern comrades at the Uthayan newspaper in Jaffna.

3. David Cameron and the British Press Corps highjacked CHOGM

In my mind the Rajapakse showcase that CHOGM was to be, was out manoeuvred by British Prime Minister David Cameron and the British press pack.  No amount of counter-photo shoots with Prince Charles cutting his cake in Colombo could salvage that. With the UK's diplomatic invasion of Sri Lanka, the GOSL was left fuming and irate in Colombo as David Cameron and his entourage flew into Jaffna on Friday after the opening of CHOGM. From the outset it seemed as if CHOGM was going to be President Rajapakse's hour of redemption. No longer a social outcast but now accepted as a leader of the 'free world'! 

Unfortunately headlines around the world skipped the beautification and development of Colombo and zoomed in on weeping women, scarred journalists and refugees looking to return home after decades. Hailed as the first foreign Prime Minister or President to visit Jaffna since Independence, Cameron was met by refugees at Sabapathy Pillai refugee camp, who believed he was sent by god to help them get their land back.

However the British Prime Minister's visit to the North was not without criticism. Accused of having his own agenda and acting in self-interest, while in Sri Lanka he also took the opportunity to lash out at his political opponents, the Labour Party, for criticizing his decision to attend the controversial summit. Similarly, as mentioned in an article published in Groundviews, many of the families of the disappeared who stood outside the Jaffna Public Library were disappointed that the Prime Minister did not take the time to come and talk to them and listen to their stories. The Chief Minister of the Northern Province and the leader of the TNA were accused of doing the same thing, and the article states that all the families got for their efforts were insults and beatings from the Police[iii].

As David Cameron made waves around the world the British media reported the news and were also part of the news. Channel 4 dominated headlines in Sri Lanka to the extent that Callum Macrae alleged he was the 'most hated man in Sri Lanka'[iv]. Luckily for him most Sri Lankans have a very short memory span (flashback Helping Hambantota) so he need not worry about his detractors or those "spontaneous' pro-government demonstrators" who enjoy following him around the country.

4. Distinguishing between Real Protests and Orchestrated Protests.

If there is nothing to learn from CHOGM 2013 at least take with you the ability to distinguish between the actual and the fake. The David Cameron entourage was first met by orderly protestors in Jaffna who were reluctant to have their faces shown. Instead they preferred to hide behind well printed cardboard signs in English asking for an "investigation into British Colonial atrocities". A few yards down the road raw emotion combined with a hysterical desperation for answers saw women fling themselves and pictures of their missing loved ones against the convoy. Probably not the images the Rajapakse clan ever planned on showing off during CHOGM.

In Jaffna we saw a glimpse of the real Sri Lanka instead of perfect highways, well manicured gardens and numerous venues named in honour of the President. The real Sri Lanka could not be held back by riot police or the threat of intimidation. The people who participated in the protests and allowed their faces to be shown are bound to be harassed and threatened once the media spotlight ceases to shine on the events of November 15th. According to the Uthayan newspaper's online editor, Anuraj Sivarajah there were two possible outcomes to the British Prime Minister's visit to the north. The government would either leave them alone or think  "We'll show who we are" and increase their attacks on the newspaper[v]. To participate in a highly documented protest of this nature one needed to be brave and determined and we can only admire them for withstanding police pressure and police barriers to get their message across.

5.  The Tamil Diaspora , the Tamils of Tamil Nadu and the Tamils in Jaffna

I hesitate to talk about the Tamil Diaspora and the Tamils of Tamil Nadu in relation to the Tamils of Sri Lanka particularly in the Northern and Eastern province. However as I watched Cameron's trip unfold and the overwhelming response he received from the people he visited in the North I could not help thinking that maybe the rest of the world's Tamil community did not comprehend how his visit would highlight the gross irregularities between what the Government of Sri Lanka claims to do and what they actually do.

The Diaspora Tamils in the UK and in Canada called for a boycott of CHOGM as did the Tamils of Southern India. However it seems that Cameron's visit to Sri Lanka -  made amidst strong criticism from the UK - really did shine a light (however brief) on the plight of the people of the North in a way which Manmohan Singh and Stephen Harper's boycott did not. Although it must be noted that the Indian premier soft-peddled his boycott leaving it unsaid and indistinct.

 Alan Johnson, the UK Labour MP is reported to have said that 'if people such as Cameron were not in the country, journalists would not be there [either]. So in a strange way, the attendance of high profile politicians at the summit is highlighting human rights issues in Sri Lanka"[vi] David Cameron, aside from Prince Charles, was the most high profile delegate attending the Commonwealth Summit and therefore wherever he went with him went the international media. In the North it seemed as if the people were grateful for the Prime Minister's visit instead of resentful that he had not boycotted the summit.

While Manmohan Singh and Stephen Harper chose to make a statement by boycotting CHOGM in hindsight it seems that David Cameron made the stronger statement regarding human rights abuses. Thus while some parts of the Tamil Diaspora felt that a boycott of CHOGM would be better it appears that those who were really affected and on the ground had a different view.


But the question begs to be asked, what will happen to us left behind in Sri Lanka once the CHOGM circus leaves town? Interestingly and probably in complete contradiction of Commonwealth values (whatever they may be since at the end of Sri Lanka's CHOGM fiasco those so-called democratic values appear vague and ambiguous) President Rajapakse will be the chairperson of the Commonwealth for the next two years. By holding this summit in Sri Lanka the credibility of the Commonwealth has been called into question and with it the need to rethink the role of the organization in the 21st century.

Is David Cameron really interested in Sri Lanka's human rights abuses or is he just trying to gain some votes back home? When I think of David Cameron's promise cum threat to ensure Sri Lanka investigates allegations of war crimes I am reminded of David Miliband's visit to Sri Lanka during the last stages of the war. Miliband's visit to Sri Lanka resulted in his effigy being burned in the streets of Colombo and outside the British High Commission. Will the Government unleash a new 'proxy propaganda war' (my willful misquote of Mr.Nonis) to win the hearts and minds of the world? Will the people of the north who turned out to meet David Cameron be broadcast on national television recanting whatever they said, as Tamil doctors who worked in the No Fire Zone were forced to do so when the war ended?

Ultimately one does not need a Commonwealth astrologer to predict that the regime will use the next few days to present the summit as a great triumph and all its critics and detractors as stooges of the LTTE. The Government would never admit that from the point of view of international relations the summit proved to be a PR debacle bar none. In the words of Michael Ondaatje "In Sri Lanka a well told lie is worth a thousand facts". 

The only problem is that in Sri Lanka today, the lies are rarely well told.

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